River Ride

Let's take a ride down the river! Collect coconuts, avoid gators, and stay ahead of the current. Race against time or an opponent!

Play this demo in full screen.

1) Create the look of your game. Add a backdrop, trees, grass—whatever you like. Most importantly, create a river! Search for images on Google, use shapes in Woof, or head on over to Pixlr (or another image editor) and create something there. Note: If you create your own image, you'll then need to host it somewhere like Postimage.

Play this demo in full screen.

2) Give your river a downward current. Have the current get faster over time.

Play this demo in full screen.

3) Create two character sprites and place them at the bottom of the screen. Make one move with the arrow keys and the other with the A, W, S, and D keys.

Play this demo in full screen.

4) Make the character sprites bounce off of each other if they collide.

Play this demo in full screen.

5) Create two score variables—one for each character. Display the scores on the screen.

Play this demo in full screen.

6) Create objects for the character sprites to collect as they move upstream. Have the objects appear every so often in random places and float down the river.

Play this demo in full screen.

7) If either character touches one of the objects, have the object disappear and increase that player's score by one.

Play this demo in full screen.

8) Create obstacles for your characters to avoid. Have them appear every so often in random places and move in different directions as they float downstream. Have them speed up over time.

Play this demo in full screen.

9) If a character touches an obstacle, make the obstacle disappear and decrease that player's score. Send the character back to the bottom of the screen.

Play this demo in full screen.

10) If a character sprite touches the outer edges of the river, create a collision effect and bring the sprite back to the middle of the river. Set its score to 0.

Play this demo in full screen.

11) If a player's score gets to 10, end the game. Tell the players who won.

Play this demo in full screen.

12) Add text at the beginning of the game. Have it explain how to play the game and ask if the player wants to add music. Find an audio file to play if the answer is yes!

Play this demo in full screen.

13) Challenge: Create an option for a one-player game and have the player race against a timer. Add a choice of one player or two players at the start and update your game as needed.

Play this demo in full screen.