Flappy Bird

In this Woof project, you're going to make Flappy Bird. Better yet, it will work on mobile!

Play this demo in full screen.

1) Make a new bird, and put in an interesting backdrop.

Play this demo in full screen.

2) Make the bird start in the middle of the screen. Have the bird continuously fall down.

Play this demo in full screen.

3) When you click anywhere on the page, have the bird fly upwards (just like in flappy bird!).

Play this demo in full screen.

4) If the bird falls below the bottom of the screen, have the game end.

Play this demo in full screen.

5) Find two images to use as your pipes and add them as sprites. (You'll need them to be in separate sprites.)

Play this demo in full screen.

6) Make the pipes move across the screen from right to left.

Play this demo in full screen.

7) Create a new pair of pipes every few seconds. Make sure to delete the pipes once they reach the left side of the screen.

Play this demo in full screen.

8) If the bird is touching any pipe, make the game end.

Play this demo in full screen.

9) Make a score variable and add it to the screen. If the bird goes through the pipes, make the score go up.

Play this demo in full screen.

10) Make it so that each new pipes pair is created at different heights.

Play this demo in full screen.