Your Own World

Let's create a world of our own, adding characters, animations, and movement.

1) First, pick a character sprite of your preference and a backdrop for your world. When the green flag is clicked, make your character greet the player and introduce the world.

2) Select another character or object. When the spacebar is pressed, make the character play a sound and glide through the screen.

3) Pick a new character. Make the character move up, down, right or left when the arrow keys are pressed.

4) Select a new character or object. When clicked, make it change to the next costume.

5) Add another character sprite. Make it start in a fixed position on the left side of the screen. Then make it move all the way to the right side. Make it repeat as long as the game is running.

6) Add a new sprite. When clicked, make it grow, reproduce a sound, and then shrink back to its original size.

7) Add a new backdrop. Make sure that when the green flag is clicked the backdrop that appears is the old one, not the new one. After 5 seconds, change the old backdrop to the new one.

8) Add a music loop for your world. When the green flag is clicked, play the loop repeatedly while the game is running.