Bubble Time

It's bubble time! Blow as many bubbles as you like and pop them with your mouse to catch the cool prizes inside. Collect the prizes in your container and watch out for bubble invaders trying to spoil the fun.

Play this demo in full screen.

1) Create a character sprite and add a backdrop.

Play this demo in full screen.

2) Make your character move left and right with two keys on your keyboard. ('A' and 'D' are used in the demo.) If your character reaches the edge of the screen, keep it from going off the screen.

Play this demo in full screen.

3) Create two more sprites: a bubble sprite and another sprite to blow the bubble out of.

Play this demo in full screen.

4) Have lots of bubbles come out of the blower when you press a key. ('W' is used in the demo.) Make the bubbles different sizes and have them blow in different directions.

Play this demo in full screen.

5) When you click a bubble with your mouse, make the bubble pop. Create a sprite that follows your mouse to pop the bubble with. Add a sound effect!

Play this demo in full screen.

6) Make a fun object come out of each bubble when you pop it and make each object fall to the ground.

Play this demo in full screen.

7) Make an undesirable object come out of the bubbles, too. Make it is so that there is a 50% chance of having the fun thing come out or the not-so-fun thing.

Play this demo in full screen.

8) Give your character the ability to catch the fun objects.

Play this demo in full screen.

9) Create a container sprite to put the objects in. Have your character put the objects in the container when you press a key. ('Down' is used in the demo.) Make it so the character can only put the object in the container when it is within a certain distance of it.

Play this demo in full screen.

10) Keep track of how many fun items your character places in the container and display it on the screen.

Play this demo in full screen.

11) If an undesirable object touches your character, have your collection disappear. Make sure your item count goes back to zero.

Play this demo in full screen.

12) After your character collects a certain number of fun objects, show that the game has ended (be creative!) and freeze the game.

Play this demo in full screen.

13) Add instructions for how you play the game and keep them on the screen during play.

Play this demo in full screen.